Daddy Tuesdays
These days on Tuesday evenings around 17.45. I usually find myself pacing the hallway, my shoes and jacket already on, ready to leave on a…
7 German Habits that I Cannot Understand
This list pretty much wrote itself while I was working on my list of 7 habits for 7 years in Germany. For every thing…
7 Habits for 7 Years in Germany
At the end of this month I will be marking seven years since I moved to Germany. Sometimes it feels like yesterday when I was…
Introducing Solids: First Baby Foods Across the Globe
During Birdy’s latest check-up our German paediatrician suggested introducing solids once she turns 4 months old and provided us with a very detailed chart…
Baby Passport Photo in 5 Easy Steps
Today is an exciting day because we just ordered Birdy’s very first passport. For now our little double citizen will have only the German…
Birdy Goes to Baby Class
After a month of 24/7 baby time I decided to look for ways of bringing some variety into our daily life and meeting other…
May the 4th be with you
Before we get to embark on a honeymoon we had to get one more important thing done. What? To get married, of course!…