Baby Ninja in Training
Bringing up a little human being sometimes leaves you wondering what she will be like when she grows bigger. What will she look…
Birdy Goes to Baby Class
After a month of 24/7 baby time I decided to look for ways of bringing some variety into our daily life and meeting other…
The Pacifier Battles
Don’t let this blog’s logo fool you – our Birdy is 100% pacifier-free. But not for the lack of effort! Hubby and I…
Why We Love NOT Having a Nursery
While expecting Birdy I spent quite a lot of time on Pinterest. I blame pregnancy brain: you check out one pin and suddenly it’s an hour…
Exploring the World Without a Stroller
First time parents-to-be must be THE dream customer – they often have little idea about what they really need for the baby and they’re ready…
Baby’s First Bath
Today’s blog hop topic is Baby’s Firsts and, at first, I had no idea what I should write about. As I was explaining…
Getting Your Newborn to Sleep: Tips & Tricks
In the first days home from the hospital it seemed that all Birdy did was sleep and eat. She slept for 2-3 hours…
Do You Give Her Water? Changing Times, Changing Advice
Good morning on day 3 of the Ultimate Guide to Baby’s First Year blog hop! Today is all about feeding baby and you’ll find…
Getting Through the First Months: 5 Golden Rules for New Parents
Day two of the Ultimate Guide to Baby’s First Year is all about taking care of new moms and dads. Admittedly we are new…
How We Ordered a Baby
When my hubby asked me the other day what I think about earrings as a Mother’s Day gift I immediately asked back: for…