It’ll be months until Birdy learns to crawl but I’m pretty sure I know what her first destination will be: the bookcase corner of our living room. It has been the Nr.1 object of interest ever since Birdy could see that far. And no wonder: what else could compete with the multitude of shapes and colors to look at?
One day soon we’ll need to sort the bookshelf to save some books from little exploring fingers, but at the moment I’m using Birdy’s fascination with books to my advantage. Have to keep the baby diaper-free for some time every day to get rid of a diaper rash? Put her next to the bookcases to double the time she’s willing to cooperate! Need some extra motivation for an active belly time? Put her next to the bookcases and see how she tries to hold her head up as long as she possibly can!
The bookshelves are even responsible for Birdy’s first roll from tummy to back. She was trying soooo hard to move herself closer to those enticing books that she lost her balance and flipped over. I wish I had had a camera ready to capture the amazement and confusion on her face!
One day when hubby was playing with Birdy and she kept on getting distracted by the bookshelves, he asked me to bring over a book to show her up close what she’s been looking at. I grabbed our Winnie the Pooh book and hubby begun with first showing her how the book looks from all sides, then opened it and brought it closer to let her touch the pages. They both spent almost half an hour (ages in baby time!) flipping the pages and exploring the pictures.
What can I say, sometimes the best toys are not the age appropriate ones!