Enjoy Riga, Latvia like a Local
The beautiful Riga, capital of Latvia and the biggest city of the Baltic States, is still unexplored terrain for many international tourists. Founded…
Enjoy Hamburg, Germany like a Local
Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city and one of world’s biggest ports, is among the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The people of…
A Day in Atlanta
We spent most of our trip to the US in and around the city of Augusta where our friends live. But, as we…
Exploring Augusta, Georgia
It’s been a tough fortnight in our house – first Birdy came down with obstructive bronchitis that left her cranky and immobile for several days, then…
Birdy Flies Transatlantic
One morning early December found our little household in a flurry of activity. As we finally hauled our two large suitcases down the stairs…
Our Adventures Flying with a Toddler
Flying with a toddler is a combination of words that often causes unease among parents and co-passengers alike. I used to be one of those people who, upon…
Weekend at the North Sea
If you are following me on Instagram you may have noticed some recent seaside photos without any water in sight. This weekend we went…
Our TOP 3 Toddler Travel Gear
The last few months we have been pretty busy travelling. We spent the beginning of May in Latvia, went to Berlin for a…
May Holidays in Latvia
In case you’ve been wondering why it’s been so quiet on the blog lately there is a good reason: we’ve been travelling! In…
Once Upon a Time in Singapore
Those of you who have followed this blog from the start may still remember that it begun as a diary of our honeymoon in Southeast…